Thursday, May 27, 2010

Where is my life going?

I've since wondered this after graduating from college. During my student teaching I figured I would be able to get a job right when I graduated. Boy was I delusional. I haven't had a steady job since then! I've done substitute teaching for two school districts (which I got tired of really fast), I worked at JoAnn Fabrics fro 6 months where I meant one of my best friends before I kept butting heads with a boss and finally quit, I've worked at the Gap for the Holidays, and now I've got nothing after moving.

Well I do have the Camp job for the summer, which I'm actually really excited about, but that leaves me high and dry once school starts. I did have two interviews yesterday, one for a Before/After school child care thing, and one for a maternity leave art position for a year. The first one went well performance wise, but they just wanted too much from me and weren't offering enough. I think I did bad at the second interview, so I probably won't get it. But I'll reapply to the child care in the infant area which would have less hours, and something I would actually want to do.

I'm hoping to get some infant experience before we have kids because there aren't any little ones in our family anymore! And the youngest on GeekDaddy's side was just born, but her family lives 2+ hours away! I did get to hold her, and I was super nervous, but I totally enjoyed it even though she cried the whole time! I've realized I am totally ready for us to expand our family, but we are not financially. I still have my loans to pay off then GeekDaddy's parents because they bought my car for me when my old one died on me. This does not mean my body is happy with me, it craves babies and children! Has been for awhile but the Baby Rabies will not be happy until there is one around!

So my goals for the summer are to enjoy the camp job, use the money to pay my loans, and GeekDaddy's job will also help with that so hopefully we'll be down about $4K at the end of the summer. Then we go to Dragon*Con, which I've been saving up for since the last one (we go every year! It really only costs $300 a person so not that bad for a 5 day vacation!), and then I have to have another job. I think I'll reapply to Target if I can't find anything else. The sooner I find a a job, the more I can pay off these stupid student loans!

*sigh* rant over!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Average Day

-Wake up somewhere between 7 and 9 AM (lately more like 7)
-Catch up with my SGA Rewind squirrels
-Catch up on The Eco-Friendly Family forum on (that usually takes me awhile)
-Do some of my Facebook stuff (CafeWorld, Music Pets, Social City)
-Write my To Do List for the day (This usually includes making yogurt or bread at least once a week, and dishes/laundry every other day lol)
-If I finish the list I usually work on ongoing projects, such as practicing with my sewing machine, making cards, crocheting while watching Parenthood,or playing a video game (we just got Divinity 2: Ego Draconis, so that's what I'm working on, even though I should finish the Dragon Age expansion)
-Plan dinners/grocery shopping, once a week
-Going to the gym with GeekDaddy once he gets home from work (trying to lose 20 lbs by September)
-Dinner while watching something on/from Netflix (currently Sliders, we just finished BBC's Robin Hood, moving on to Witchblade on disc soon!)
-Read for the rest of the night. We're both currently reading The Sword of Truth books by Terry Goodkind, GeekDaddy is on Temple of the Winds (#4) and I'm about halfway through Stone of Tears (#2). We read in bed together, it's sort of our time to wind down and relax before bed.
-GeekDaddy is usually more tired than I am (he gets up at 5 AM and goes to work), so he goes to bed around 8:45 and I stay up and continue to chat with the squirrels, or if I get bored with that I continue reading or playing video games.

This will all change June 8th though, because I got a summer job! I'm an art counselor at a summer camp, so I won't be able to do my normal stuff, but I'll find time during the weekend!

Also, due to my little schedule here, can you see where we get our names from? ;)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So Why The Name?

I came up with the idea in bed one night.
I have gone through many email addresses and many screen names that I have just grown out of. Even my screen name on I've kind of grown out seems presumptuous to me now. Unfortunately I can't change it on those sites, but Artie kind of came up through an online chat with some friends. They couldn't figure out what to call me that would be easy to they came up with Artie....different spelling and all. And no I don't mind that!

But hubby and I are definitely geeks, so that's where that came from. And Momma and Daddy because that's how we refer to ourselves when talking to our cats....Yes, lame, I  know, but it gets us used to using that instead of names for the future.

I do consider myself a Momma because of my furbabies, so if you know me in real life, that's not an announcement or anything!

The First Post!!

I'm starting this blog more as a journal for myself, and in the future maybe one with the exploits of my kids.

But before that there's the intro to the family!

There's GeekDaddy, my hubby of almost 2 years! With Serenity in his lap of course, that's his furbaby!

There's Beckett, my beautiful furbaby!
And then there's me....ArtieGeekMomma!

Boo! Well anyways we are a twenty something couple living in the North Shore of Chicago (aka the North Chicago Suburbs.) We've been together since my freshman year in college, and got married the summer before student teaching. Serenity joined our family by surprise not much later. My brother's mom found her as a 5 week old kitten in her company's warehouse. Despite my nursing her and feeding her, she still prefers GeekDaddy over me. Because of the feeling of being left out, January 2009 we went to Petsmart and found Beckett.

Our family isn't complete yet! I constantly remind Geek Daddy of this (this topic has provoked many arguments and annoyed glances), of which he is obviously not ready! But that doesn't keep me from wanting to expand our family to non-furbabies yet!

DaddyGeek work for the Navy base, I.....well I have a Teaching degree, but with this economy I've been stuck with substituting and random jobs such as working at JoAnn Fabrics, but I did just get hired for a Summer Art/Music Camp, which will help us pay off the debt. And keep me busy ;)

So that's the fam!